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Facebook Community Voices - Fight the Stroke

Facebook Community Voices - Fight the Stroke

When Mario D'Angelo was only ten days old, he suffered a stroke and doctors soon diagnosed him with cerebral palsy. His parents didn't know where to turn for support, so they started the 'Fight the Stroke' Page, where parents of young stroke victims can find information about early diagnosis and treatments and most of all: community. Visit the page at https://www.facebook.com/fightthestroke/

Community Connect: Navigating COVID-19

Community Connect: Navigating COVID-19

Benvenuti al Community Connect: Navigating COVID-19, un evento online per i leader di community in tutto il mondo. Questo evento include un'apertura di Mark Zuckerberg, Fidji Simo, Arianna Huffington, Adam Grant e workshop guidati da Facebook e leader di community, oltre a discussioni e tempo per domande. Siamo entusiasti di sentirti! Per ulteriori informazioni sull'agenda completa, visitate facebook.com/community/communityconnect

Ansa: Il mondo delle Community Facebook oggi a Roma "Social Street" e "Fight the Stroke": per il buon vicinato a contro l'ictus prenatale

Ansa: Il mondo delle Community Facebook oggi a Roma "Social Street" e "Fight the Stroke": per il buon vicinato a contro l'ictus prenatale