
Living with a disability during the pandemic

Living with a disability during the pandemic

Living with a disability during the pandemic. "Instant paper from the field" on rehabilitation answers to the COVID-19 emergency.

Boldrini P1, Garcea M2, Brichetto G3, Reale N4, Tonolo S5, Falabella V6, Fedeli F7, Cnops AA8, Kiekens C9.

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COVID-19 pandemic is creating collateral damage to persons with disabling conditions of different aetiology. The restrictions imposed to contain the spread of infection is limiting the access to many health services, including rehabilitation. It is expected that such situation will lead to long lasting negative consequences for persons with disability, increasing functional limitations in chronic conditions and hindering the recovery after acute events. The aim of this paper is to explore the impact on people with disability, reporting the contents of the sixth Italian Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SIMFER) webinar on the COVID-19 impact on rehabilitation ("Covinars"). Seven representatives of Associations of persons affected by different disabling conditions described the difficulties they are facing during the pandemic, the initiatives undertaken to support their members and their future perspectives and expectations. The users' inputs will be helpful in planning the future phases of the emergency and improve preparedness for other emergencies.